1001 Beauty Tips News 39 - head to toe spring makeover.
1001 Beauty Tips News 39 - head to toe spring makeover.: "Luxurious Bath Oil Treatment
This recipe makes about 1 3/4 cups of bath oil.
10 vitamin E caps (prick with a pin and squeeze out the oil)
1/2 cup Sweet Almond Oil
1/4 cup Castor Oil
1 cup of Sunflower Oil
30-50 drops of fragrance oil depending upon particular oils used, you may use more or less.
Blend the oils and fragrance together. Place the oils into a glass container with tight fitting lid and tip back and forth everyday for a week to blend.
Open the jar after each blending and make any necessary fragrance adjustments. Pour into a fancy or decorated bottle and use as needed.
Once you are finised with your bath be sure to slather your favorite lotion on clean damp skin to really get super soft skin.
In part 3 we will work on your hands, feet, body firming, and sunless tanning tips to get you a beautiful spring glow.
� 2006 Tracie Johansen. 1001 Tips For Smooth, Sexy Skin, Weight Loss, Silky Hair, A Firm Well Tone Body, Strong Self Esteem, Low Fat Recipes and More! Get It Now! http://www.1001beautytips.com/ebook.html
More Health, Beauty and Fitness eBooks - http://www.mymindmybodymysoul.com
This recipe makes about 1 3/4 cups of bath oil.
10 vitamin E caps (prick with a pin and squeeze out the oil)
1/2 cup Sweet Almond Oil
1/4 cup Castor Oil
1 cup of Sunflower Oil
30-50 drops of fragrance oil depending upon particular oils used, you may use more or less.
Blend the oils and fragrance together. Place the oils into a glass container with tight fitting lid and tip back and forth everyday for a week to blend.
Open the jar after each blending and make any necessary fragrance adjustments. Pour into a fancy or decorated bottle and use as needed.
Once you are finised with your bath be sure to slather your favorite lotion on clean damp skin to really get super soft skin.
In part 3 we will work on your hands, feet, body firming, and sunless tanning tips to get you a beautiful spring glow.
� 2006 Tracie Johansen. 1001 Tips For Smooth, Sexy Skin, Weight Loss, Silky Hair, A Firm Well Tone Body, Strong Self Esteem, Low Fat Recipes and More! Get It Now! http://www.1001beautytips.com/ebook.html
More Health, Beauty and Fitness eBooks - http://www.mymindmybodymysoul.com