What is Physical Beauty?
Whether you have the beauty of the blonde or the beauty of the brunette, the beauty of light or the beauty of darkness, a duty is laid upon you within the scope of your own type. In form we accept, as a general thing, the ancient Greek ideal of feminine beauty, subject to modern modifications. That is, we accept the proportions of the
Venus de Medici as being nearest the modern idea of physical perfection. We reject those of the Venus de Milo as too large, too heavy for modern comparison.
There is more or less variation between the proportions of the Venus de Medici and those of the average young woman of to-day.

Do not be disturbed if these measurements do not correspond to your own ideal. They are only approximate; suggestive. Your figure taken as a whole may be admirable, yet vary in detail proportion. And such variations may harmonize and make for charm. These tables, however, offer a practical standard for comparison. They will help
show where you need development. Woman's face and form are the most exquisite
of all that has been created. They combine all the charms of color, harmony, grace, refinement and magnetism. And they reflect the higher attributes of mind and soul. Even the deformed and disfigured may cultivate physical beauty to some degree. Make the most of each and every charm you, individually, may possess. Such is the gospel
of this book. If its teachings be followed, powerbeauty's choicest secretwill be your reward.
Black hair and a snowy complexion, with a proportionate head and forehead, the hair crisp and plentiful, with evenly penciled eyebrows, give a fine type. Jealousy and a quick temper are indicated where the eyebrows meet. They should be well divided, taper evenly and broaden more in the middle. Too small an ear denotes avarice. The
ear should not be too prominent, though, and delicate in outline. Cheek bones should be neither too far apart nor so prominent as to attract attention,
A straight nose of moderate size is the most desirable. A large but shapely nose, however, is to be preferred to a small shapeless one. Too small a nose means a vacillating disposition. The mouth should be of medium largeness, rosy and flexible, and with nether and upper lips of equal size, neither too thin, nor yet too full. Sound, white, medium-sized teeth and a firm, agreeably
rounded chin, its lower outline showing determination, are the best. A long neck, curving gracefully at the nape, enlarging as it descends toward the shoulders, and seeming whiter and clearer in outline as it approaches the bosom, is a standard.
White, firm shoulders, moderate in breadth, with a collar bone well-covered with flesh, a bosom transparently white, and round, firm, well-modeled
breasts of medium size cannot be improved upon. To be preferred are firm, gracefully curved and rounded arms, elbows well covered with adipose tissue, and dimpled, hands which do not join the arms too abruptly; as well as well-fleshed, yet slender wrists, which do not display the wrist bones prominently. The best fingers are those proportionate to the length of the palm, soft and tapering toward the nails, the latter faintly pink and almond-shaped, their length conforming to the length of the finger. The ideal waist is one not contracted by too tight a corset. The proper measure for the ideal waist is twice the size of the neck. The hips should be broader than the shoulders. They should grow rounder and narrower as they descend. The legs should be long and straight. Length and straightness are especially desirable from hips to knees, for grace and ease of appearance when
walking. A dimple on the knee is an added charm. Both knees should be plump, with a soft and white skin. The feet should be proportionate to the remainder of the body, firm, white and elastic.
The Golden Blonde, or the Flaxen-Haired Blonde, with a clear, white complexion and blue or hazel eyes, is a choice type of feminine beauty.
The Ruddy or Auburn Blonde, with dark or gray eyes is another.
The Florid Brunette is still another especially lovely type. Clear gray eyes which
emotion turns almost black are probably the most magnetic. They are at their best when accompanied by a clear complexion and dark, wavy hair. Alithe, well-rounded form, graceful, yet not so plump as to be called voluptuous, deserves all admiration
and usually obtains it.
Beauty and health go hand in hand. Your skin, your hair, your figure, if not healthy, rob your loveliest features of their charm. Make health the cornerstone of an intelligent study and cultivation of every iota of beauty which you have. Physical-beauty, in the best sense, means well-rounded physical development on a health basis. On this basis cultivate your especial physical advantages. If you
have a perfectly shaped foot and ankle, then "put your best foot forward" in this respect. If beauty be truly "skin-deep," then all the more are skin and complexion worth caring for. If you have naturally heavy or beautifully tinted hair, then make your hair your "crowning glory."
There is a certain charm due to disease. But it should be remembered that it is not a normal one. It is more apt to call forth pity than love. Charm should mean natural attraction. Though there is a beauty in the sudden, hectic flush of the consumptive, it is the morbid beauty of death. It can wake only sorrow, and does not attract as does the soft, rosy blush of health.
Before marriage all girls usually make the most of their physical charms. Beauty is woman's age-old and legitimate lure to attract a life companion of the other sex. Nature helps the young girl with the gift of youth, and as a rule she is willing to
aid Nature in making the most of it. But many a young woman, once married, grows careless about the care of the hair, hands, skin and figure. She neglects her person and her clothes, and tends to become a slovenly household drudge. Now physical beauty is a definite part of the feminine sex appeal.* And a happy marriage depends largely on a normal and happy sex appeal on the part of the woman, and corresponding sex interest on the part of the man. In neglecting your own physical charm, you are encouraging lack of interest in your husband. A husband may for some time not notice
the change. Sooner or later, however, meeting other women, he will make comparisons. He will suddenly realize that his wife no longer appears
* See: "Sex: Avoided Subjects Discussed in Plain English,"
in this series.
young and beautiful as when first he married her. And he may turn to some other woman for the charm his wife no longer supplies. The intelligent woman gives some time each day to the "keeping up" of her quota of personal charms. Youth and beauty are largely a matter of good mental and physical condition. Every woman should study how to keep her youth and beauty. Try to improve upon what Nature has given you!
Fill in and round out the omissions of which she may have been guilty! This is not alone your right, it is your duty. It is commendable, not a matter for apology. Be beautiful in middle life. You may even be beautiful in old age. Hold your husband's affection and admiration. "Beauty Culture" is a good and legitimate thing if not over-done, and natural charm may with perfect propriety be enhanced or placed in relief. Every woman should have a knowledge of the practical facts which make for her physical beauty. It is to supply these facts that this little volume has
been written
FEMININE physical beauty is recognized by all humankind.
Yet it has no absolutely fixed standard.
The savage sees as beauties contours and shapes which to us are hideous and distorted.
Semi-civilized man is apt to regard fat and weight as the chief beauty factors. Even civilized man varies in his individual estimates. Those accepted charms of form, face and figure, however, which appeal most to the majority of individuals, may be said to be the nearest approach to an exact standard of beauty we have.
Proportion, color, delicacy, type, symmetry, the flash of the eye, the sweetness of the smile, and a thousand other factors contribute to make a woman beautiful. Every woman has her special individual beauties; some women possess a number in combination. A lovely natural complexion, delicately-shaped hands, shapely feet and ankles, glorious hair, a noble and alluring figure, all lay a duty upon their possessorsthe duty of care and preservation. For beauty, physical as well as mental and moral, is a virtue. It is as essential to humanity as loyalty and truth. It is, or should be, the truth of the physical feminine being, expressed in its most
perfect terms.
Whether you have the beauty of the blonde or the beauty of the brunette, the beauty of light or the beauty of darkness, a duty is laid upon you within the scope of your own type. In form we accept, as a general thing, the ancient Greek ideal of feminine beauty, subject to modern modifications. That is, we accept the proportions of the
Venus de Medici as being nearest the modern idea of physical perfection. We reject those of the Venus de Milo as too large, too heavy for modern comparison.
There is more or less variation between the proportions of the Venus de Medici and those of the average young woman of to-day.

Do not be disturbed if these measurements do not correspond to your own ideal. They are only approximate; suggestive. Your figure taken as a whole may be admirable, yet vary in detail proportion. And such variations may harmonize and make for charm. These tables, however, offer a practical standard for comparison. They will help
show where you need development. Woman's face and form are the most exquisite
of all that has been created. They combine all the charms of color, harmony, grace, refinement and magnetism. And they reflect the higher attributes of mind and soul. Even the deformed and disfigured may cultivate physical beauty to some degree. Make the most of each and every charm you, individually, may possess. Such is the gospel
of this book. If its teachings be followed, powerbeauty's choicest secretwill be your reward.
Black hair and a snowy complexion, with a proportionate head and forehead, the hair crisp and plentiful, with evenly penciled eyebrows, give a fine type. Jealousy and a quick temper are indicated where the eyebrows meet. They should be well divided, taper evenly and broaden more in the middle. Too small an ear denotes avarice. The
ear should not be too prominent, though, and delicate in outline. Cheek bones should be neither too far apart nor so prominent as to attract attention,
A straight nose of moderate size is the most desirable. A large but shapely nose, however, is to be preferred to a small shapeless one. Too small a nose means a vacillating disposition. The mouth should be of medium largeness, rosy and flexible, and with nether and upper lips of equal size, neither too thin, nor yet too full. Sound, white, medium-sized teeth and a firm, agreeably
rounded chin, its lower outline showing determination, are the best. A long neck, curving gracefully at the nape, enlarging as it descends toward the shoulders, and seeming whiter and clearer in outline as it approaches the bosom, is a standard.
White, firm shoulders, moderate in breadth, with a collar bone well-covered with flesh, a bosom transparently white, and round, firm, well-modeled
breasts of medium size cannot be improved upon. To be preferred are firm, gracefully curved and rounded arms, elbows well covered with adipose tissue, and dimpled, hands which do not join the arms too abruptly; as well as well-fleshed, yet slender wrists, which do not display the wrist bones prominently. The best fingers are those proportionate to the length of the palm, soft and tapering toward the nails, the latter faintly pink and almond-shaped, their length conforming to the length of the finger. The ideal waist is one not contracted by too tight a corset. The proper measure for the ideal waist is twice the size of the neck. The hips should be broader than the shoulders. They should grow rounder and narrower as they descend. The legs should be long and straight. Length and straightness are especially desirable from hips to knees, for grace and ease of appearance when
walking. A dimple on the knee is an added charm. Both knees should be plump, with a soft and white skin. The feet should be proportionate to the remainder of the body, firm, white and elastic.
The Golden Blonde, or the Flaxen-Haired Blonde, with a clear, white complexion and blue or hazel eyes, is a choice type of feminine beauty.
The Ruddy or Auburn Blonde, with dark or gray eyes is another.
The Florid Brunette is still another especially lovely type. Clear gray eyes which
emotion turns almost black are probably the most magnetic. They are at their best when accompanied by a clear complexion and dark, wavy hair. Alithe, well-rounded form, graceful, yet not so plump as to be called voluptuous, deserves all admiration
and usually obtains it.
Beauty and health go hand in hand. Your skin, your hair, your figure, if not healthy, rob your loveliest features of their charm. Make health the cornerstone of an intelligent study and cultivation of every iota of beauty which you have. Physical-beauty, in the best sense, means well-rounded physical development on a health basis. On this basis cultivate your especial physical advantages. If you
have a perfectly shaped foot and ankle, then "put your best foot forward" in this respect. If beauty be truly "skin-deep," then all the more are skin and complexion worth caring for. If you have naturally heavy or beautifully tinted hair, then make your hair your "crowning glory."
There is a certain charm due to disease. But it should be remembered that it is not a normal one. It is more apt to call forth pity than love. Charm should mean natural attraction. Though there is a beauty in the sudden, hectic flush of the consumptive, it is the morbid beauty of death. It can wake only sorrow, and does not attract as does the soft, rosy blush of health.
Before marriage all girls usually make the most of their physical charms. Beauty is woman's age-old and legitimate lure to attract a life companion of the other sex. Nature helps the young girl with the gift of youth, and as a rule she is willing to
aid Nature in making the most of it. But many a young woman, once married, grows careless about the care of the hair, hands, skin and figure. She neglects her person and her clothes, and tends to become a slovenly household drudge. Now physical beauty is a definite part of the feminine sex appeal.* And a happy marriage depends largely on a normal and happy sex appeal on the part of the woman, and corresponding sex interest on the part of the man. In neglecting your own physical charm, you are encouraging lack of interest in your husband. A husband may for some time not notice
the change. Sooner or later, however, meeting other women, he will make comparisons. He will suddenly realize that his wife no longer appears
* See: "Sex: Avoided Subjects Discussed in Plain English,"
in this series.
young and beautiful as when first he married her. And he may turn to some other woman for the charm his wife no longer supplies. The intelligent woman gives some time each day to the "keeping up" of her quota of personal charms. Youth and beauty are largely a matter of good mental and physical condition. Every woman should study how to keep her youth and beauty. Try to improve upon what Nature has given you!
Fill in and round out the omissions of which she may have been guilty! This is not alone your right, it is your duty. It is commendable, not a matter for apology. Be beautiful in middle life. You may even be beautiful in old age. Hold your husband's affection and admiration. "Beauty Culture" is a good and legitimate thing if not over-done, and natural charm may with perfect propriety be enhanced or placed in relief. Every woman should have a knowledge of the practical facts which make for her physical beauty. It is to supply these facts that this little volume has
been written
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