The Eyes
AMONG the features, the eyes, "the windows of the soul," might be given first place, though every feature of the face has its share in establishing facial beauty and charm.
The eyes reflect good or bad health conditions as quickly as the rest of the body. Dark circles around the eyes mean weakness or ill-health. Eye-strain visibly betrays weariness. And certain defects show at once. Drooping lids hide the "speaking" quality of the glance. Thin eyelashes and eyebrows make the eyes look strange. Color and "setting," the way the eyes are set in their sockets, cannot be altered, but clearness of health and wealth of expression reflect right diet, sleep, exercise and fresh air.
The eyes should always be washed in tepid water, and dried with a soft towel. Eyestrain is a matter for the oculist, and, in general, an eyewash should be used only on prescription, unless when a cinder is removed. Boracic acid is a popular wash, but oculists declare its constant use harmful.
Eye Exercise.—For puffiness and discoloration exercise the eyeball by rolling it. Also rhythmically tap the skin around the closed eye. The naturally tearful should refrain from weeping, as this dims the eye and robs it of its fire. For eye circulation, lower and raise the upper without moving the lower lid, a number of times, keeping the glance fixed straight ahead. Or look up, down, right and left, ten times in succession, every way. Massage of the circular muscle around the eye is also excellent for strengthening.
Lashes and Brows.—Rubbing with vaseline or olive oil encourages a scant growth of lashes and eyebrows. Pull out all scraggly hairs that are loose, fine-comb lashes and brows regularly, and do not leave powder in them. Remember that to make the eyes look wider and fuller a tiny touch of black in the corners is effective. Do not, however be too free with the eyelash pencil. And do not use a black pencil if your hair is brown, use a brown one. Blonde eyelashes and eyebrows are not beautiful, as a rule, and it is permissible to darken them.
AMONG the features, the eyes, "the windows of the soul," might be given first place, though every feature of the face has its share in establishing facial beauty and charm.
The eyes reflect good or bad health conditions as quickly as the rest of the body. Dark circles around the eyes mean weakness or ill-health. Eye-strain visibly betrays weariness. And certain defects show at once. Drooping lids hide the "speaking" quality of the glance. Thin eyelashes and eyebrows make the eyes look strange. Color and "setting," the way the eyes are set in their sockets, cannot be altered, but clearness of health and wealth of expression reflect right diet, sleep, exercise and fresh air.
The eyes should always be washed in tepid water, and dried with a soft towel. Eyestrain is a matter for the oculist, and, in general, an eyewash should be used only on prescription, unless when a cinder is removed. Boracic acid is a popular wash, but oculists declare its constant use harmful.
Eye Exercise.—For puffiness and discoloration exercise the eyeball by rolling it. Also rhythmically tap the skin around the closed eye. The naturally tearful should refrain from weeping, as this dims the eye and robs it of its fire. For eye circulation, lower and raise the upper without moving the lower lid, a number of times, keeping the glance fixed straight ahead. Or look up, down, right and left, ten times in succession, every way. Massage of the circular muscle around the eye is also excellent for strengthening.
Lashes and Brows.—Rubbing with vaseline or olive oil encourages a scant growth of lashes and eyebrows. Pull out all scraggly hairs that are loose, fine-comb lashes and brows regularly, and do not leave powder in them. Remember that to make the eyes look wider and fuller a tiny touch of black in the corners is effective. Do not, however be too free with the eyelash pencil. And do not use a black pencil if your hair is brown, use a brown one. Blonde eyelashes and eyebrows are not beautiful, as a rule, and it is permissible to darken them.
Wow..Geoff..I love your blog..I can't stop reading..thank you.
Are you a Doctor too?
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